pianist, composer, teacher, grief companion


Being EP — out now

What makes a perfect summer’s day? That was the question I asked myself when I put together the tracks for my new EP, which is out now. The answers will be different for everyone — mine involve a slow start to the day, fun with friends and family, time in the water, and time with my partner Anna. The four tracks of the EP depict a perfect day and I hope that as you listen to it, you’ll find the same kind of enjoyment.

Several people were excited about the EP and have helped me with it. André at Gezeitenstrom Magazine sent me an interesting set of questions about the EP and my motivations as a musician, which you can read here. Pianist Julian Lambert loved the first single “Dancing” and has recorded his own interpretation, which you’ll find here or below. The sheet music he used is also available below as a free download and I’ll add the rest very soon.

As usual my partner Anna contributed the artwork. Jim and the rest of the team at Bigo & Twigetti released it for me and have organised plenty of playlist placements for its tracks. Thank you to everyone!

Dancing sheet music PDF
Garreth Brooke