pianist, composer, teacher, grief companion


Resource for teachers: Bumper Chords Workbook

The way we traditionally teach piano students chords drives me *nuts*. There's a certain intellectual logic behind it, but it's so impractical that it actually puts off many students. That's a real shame, because the theory is fascinating and because it's actually useful!

I've figured out a much better way to teach chords, one that students quickly understand and can immediately put into practise. Ruth Alberici of MyMusicResource.com and I have written a workbook that clearly explains every chord in every major key.

We've just released it. I hope you'll check it out. It'll make teaching chords much more fun!

It gives a clear overview of how chords relate to scales, has plain-English explanations of relevent theoretical concepts, and worksheets where they can put the theory to the test. Unlike the traditional theory books, it's designed to be used alongside the pieces you're already teaching them. We've tested it loads and our students love it.

Garreth Brookepedagogy